Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving here was a nice warm day and the chow hall food served
pretty good food--turkey, stuffing and all the typical foods. Believe
it or not, I even ate some green bean casserole--just checked to see if
I still hate green beans, and I do. Only thing that was throwing me off
was the lack of deviled eggs!! Cant believe they didn't make them! No
cranberry sauces either! Other than that, I had dinner with a few
co-workers, who I had go around the table and tell what they were
thankful for--an Allen family tradition that I cant believe I did, when
I didn't have to! My parents have brainwashed me!! AHHH!! Thanks for
sending the pic of your thanksgiving meal, I miss you guys and its good
to see everyone! That said--Jill, Matthew and Chavonne--where are your
pics??? Im putting you guys on the SPOT!! Ha ha. Sounds like everyone
had a good time though, wish I was there!

Its starting to get cooler here during the daytime even, which will ruin
my Sunday morning breakfast club with some coworkers (over coffee, local
bread and cheese). It's the small things that make a difference! The
coffee joint here, The Green Bean (think Starbucks, but not quite as
nice), is making a fortune off of me! Despite its name (extreme dislike
of that particular vegetable) its the only thing I have spent money on
since I arrived.

As it gets cooler the rain has increased, which stinks because Im still
gun-shy about driving in the mud. Ive learned some tricks though, so
there should be no repeat incidents of that day I got stuck--or I hope
there wont be any repeat incidents!

Whats the deal with all the football talk here? This is crazy. Who
knew my family was so passionate about this?
My time is up now, gotta run. Talk to everyone later, thanks for all of
the emails!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Redskins racial slur?!!

ok, not that I'm that into pro football or anything (even tho I think most pro football players are crybabies and they think millions of dollars isn't enough to feed their families so they go on strike...cough*T.O.* least college athletes play for the love of the game so I must contest amongst both the cowboys and 'skins)...but I'm not that into pro football so I won't go there.

and another thing, not that I'm taking sides here or anything, Jill, but I think I would have to disagree with you on the Redskins being a "racial slur". Let me ask this, is the glass half empty or half full? Are the Redskins a racial slur or symbol of success?
Some critics believe it is racist and that's the reason for the name. But, in all actuality, would we really sit down and say...Gee, what kind of name can we give this team that will really piss people off and possibly cause a public uproar....let's go for something racist and catchy! Contrary to popular belief, it was meant to honor the American Indians and by naming a professional team after their spirit, it's a symbol of success, pride, courage and achievement!

But on the flip side of things, if someone named a professional team after me, let's go with "Whitegirl", and they were horrible I might say I was pretty offended. However, if someone was to mention "Whitegirl" and thoughts of a successful professionally structured team with thousands of dollars invested, top athletes, coaches and fans, I might blush and admit, I kinda like the ring of it and would even offer my face as the logo.

The name "Redskins" brings up thoughts of football. It is not used as a racial slur as it may have been in the past, as some want to believe. Let's be optimistic here, the glass is half full!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Almost Thanksgiving!

Hey, whats everyone doing for Thanksgiving...send me whats going on! I miss everyone and its going to be weird eating Thanksgiving dinner with my coworkers at a chow hall. Theres one chow hall thats open all day, so we might go in and eat more than once...only bad thing is, the leftovers are still hot! Thanksgiving isnt the same if you cant have cold turkey later in the day!
Thanks for everyones emails! keep em coming! Also, if you are looking to send anything, theres nothing I really anything that can be shared with the office is good. Food, candy, Holiday decorations, etc. Also, theres a program here called hearts and minds, so if you send me toys or clothes, i can have it given away to the locals that are in need. I will type fast....aggghhh, they are kicking us all out...gotta go

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Not that anybody cares, I just thought I'd gloat about the victorious Cowboys...hehehe. Matthew's frowning next to me because we made a bet on the game so now I have a slave for next weekend. So, if you're trying to call him to wish him a happy birthday he'll probably be too busy scrubbing the toilets. But, he thanks you in advance for the thoughtfulness.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Acomadating Jess' top 10 List


It sounds like you need a package of goodies sent your way! I'm brainstorming over here ideas to make your life....more....comfortable? simple? easy? How about some fisherman boots (the kind that have overalls attached bc they are so long) for walking to and from the shower/bathroom when it rains. Or perhaps some clogs, you know, like the dutch wear, the wooden ones...they're sturdy, wouldn't get stinky, easy to slide on/off! ah, crocs would be easier to find.

Also, how is the shower situation going? I mean, when it comes to duration of time to get the shampoo and soap off before the water cuts off. I found the shampoo/body wash stuff, but it was for men! If you don't mind smelling like an 'active sport' (not sure why that's only for men!) I have just the stuff for you! Maybe I can find another scent, just give me the green light and I'll hunt like a pro to find it!
hmmm...ok what else? new underwear...nah, I'll let you deal with that. how about that linen spray from bbb (not to be confused with mom's bed bath and body works! haha). I believe you could even spray it in your shoes when you place them in front of the ac unit, it might actually double as a room freshner this way?! we can patent your shoes if this works...let me know, mom and i are working to start a business any day over here.

ok, last suggestion, how about some black t shirts? or perhaps a purse sized umbrella and black tshirts for those unexpected wet t shirt contests? just let me know, i would like to send you something to make the days go by a little smoother.


Thursday, November 6, 2008


Jessica, your top 10 list is crucial! Most of that stuff really sucks and I guess I'm pretty lucky that I don't get dusty after my shower...BUT...I feel ya on the rain!! Either God has assigned a rain cloud to my head, or it's just always coincidentally raining when I am outside and stops when I'm inside. Either way, it's nasty!! Kitten REFUSES to get his prissy little paws wet, so I've taken it upon myself to restore his adoration of the great outdors, and I made him rain boots and a rain coat. He looks so cute in them! I'll post his picture as soon as I can...or maybe even a video.

Matthew hollered at you from the other room and hopes you're doing well, as we all hope.

Love ya.


My Lizard List . . . Or, how to live with a member of the Squamata order of reptiles!

1. Does this little guy have a name? Also, comfortable co-habitation requires dropping reference adjectives such as “dang” and “stupid.”

2. Have you tried to talk with your lizard? Sometimes talk can simplify basic issues such as who gets to use the shoes or underwear or whatever, when and for how long. If it chirps, barks, or whistles with a sound like "gecko, gecko" or "tchak tchak tchak" it is not a lizard but a gecko--do not confuse. Lizards employ many diverse methods of communication however, such as having an acute sense of smell, which through the vomeronasal organ in the roof of its mouth gathers scents by flicking out its forked little tongue to catch odor molecules. You are quite correct in assuming your lizard does not frequent your shoes--except for warmth perhaps—for fear of being overwhelmed with the molecular weight and complexity of your foot molecules and the alarm pheromones that are created. Remember, its not a physicist. On the other hand, lizards can hear exceptionally well, so perhaps you ought to tell it what’s on your mind.

3. Speed, size, appearance, and leaping ability are important to lizards – give it, it’s space!

4. “Leapin’ Lizards!” was an exclamatory expression used by Little Orphan Annie (created by Harold Gray in 1924), and unless you have an aggressive psycho lizard, it is unlikely you will be attacked.

5. The “Lizard pattern” is a kind of military camouflage used for French Army uniforms from the 1950’s to late 1980's. If your lizard looks this way it may not be a lizard at all but a teeny-tiny Frenchman with romance on his mind. Moreover, the French are called “Frogs,” which have certain similarities to lizards.

6. The “Lounge Lizards” are a jazz group formed in 1978 by saxophone player John Lurie and highly respected for their creative and distinctive sound. (Do not confuse with the “Austin Lounge Lizards” who are more like geckos.) Your lizard does not belong to this group so do not try to outfit it with a smoking jacket!

7. If you should go “eyeball to eyeball” with your lizard, remember that vision, including color vision, is particularly well developed in lizards (and they have movable eyelids). Most communicate with body language or bright colors on their bodies as well as via pheromones. If it blinks at you, then it is probably love. If it changes color such as bright red, then it is probably a very shy lizard in love. If it exudes pheromones, this too is love, but you may want to be very careful with what it may have in mind—especially if it is French.

8. If it should use body language on you by . . . say, wagging its tail—do not return the gesture in kind, or try to grab it by the tail. Lizards can shed their tails in order to escape predators, and you certainly do not want a hyper-alarmed lizard in two parts on your hands while attempting to wag your own tail. Because most lizards possess external ears which are not detachable, you should try to grab it by the ears.

9. Concerning size, your lizard is normal since they range from a few centimeters—which you would not be able to see easily, to over 9 feet—which would make it a Komodo Dragon or a Gila monster that would be trying to eat you. Since there are 4,675 species of lizards living in all continents except Antarctica (although there are tales of Sasquatch-like abominable snow-lizards covered with shaggy hair) it is likely it is a merely a plain old Iraqi lizard—with French tendencies, of course!

10. Many lizards are good climbers or fast sprinters. Some can run bipedally, and some can even run across the surface of water to escape. If you develop a frolicking relationship with your lizard, it is advisable that you do not try to mimic these things in your hootch or on Saddam’s lakes until you have had government training.

May the two of you be happy, Luv d

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Top 10 List

First of all, Im not so sure I like the poll--I cant even stack the votes so it says that hes not in my room anymore! Why has no one voted for that cowardly lizard running off in fear?? You guys KNOW me and know that if you are ANYWHERE CLOSE to my stinko shoes, you probably arent going to want to stay there long!! Especially considering the fact that I have Moms genes as far as feet go AND how hot, sweaty and nasty my feets get here....gross. i (not on purpose) torture my poor roommate by putting them on a shelf where the air conditioner can circulate the smell from my size 8 stinkbombs!! ha ha!!!
The weather in general is starting to get cooler here so Im hoping the stupid lizard has gone to warmer places...just hope hes not in my undies drawer!

So, because Im in the mood to make a list, heres some of the little luxuries that I am REALLY beginning to miss (other than family and friends):
1-Not having to worry about lizards or other critters in my shoes (or, now in my undies...since I put it in my own head)
2-Not walking in the rain, through mud to go from the shower/bathroom to my bedroom
3-Same as #2 but if its not raining, walking from the shower/bathroom to my bedroom through the dusty air that collects on my wet skin.
4-Being able to flush toilet paper down the pot without a fear of clogging up the system and breaking the water pump for bathrooms on the whole compound--yipes.
5-My computer and everything about it. It logs on, stays on the webpage that I put it on until I tell it to leave that website....computers here dont always act the same way!
6-Radio. I try and listen to my Books on CD with my old school CD player with its little speakers in the car (just for something to do in the car with the broken radio) but the car is diesel and louder than the speakers!
7-Changing lanes when I am stuck behind a truck thats slow and smelly.
8-Selfishly using a 'good computer' for more than 30 min at a time.
9-Not feeling like I am going to lose my meal 10 min after I eat (theres only 2 directions that the food can quickly escape the body and neither are good choices)
10-Agh, this one should be the best....but i cant even think of a #10....I will just keep everyone in suspense! Im sure that I will find something else, I have never been one that cant find SOMETHING to complain about!