Monday, October 4, 2010

Power Outage

Below is an actual email...needless to say, my alarm clock didn't go off that morning and I was late to work! However, if you need an original excuse as to why you are late to work..."a vulture took down the power to my house" seems like a good one!!


The base experienced an unscheduled power outage at approx 0735 this morning affecting approx. 60% of the base. The outage was caused by a vulture strike on the utility pole. Power to most base residents is being restored at this
time. An extended outage is in effect to make necessary repairs to the utility pole. Power to these areas will be restored at approx 1100 AM.


Frogs, Tarantulas and Crabs, Oh My!

So, Im not sure if I told everyone...but when I go out walking at night I have to share the sidewalks (and sometimes even the roads) with the Banana Rats annnd these guys too!! They come out at night to snack on the grass on the sides of the roads and theres always something hopping, lurking or scuttling nearby when I go for walks!!! The Banana Rats get up in the tops of the brush and small trees, so they nervously shake around the bushes when someone walks by. The frogs sort of loose it and hop in random directions--sometimes right in to you. The land crabs either aggressively throw up their lil pinchers and stand their ground against you or quickly shuffle off sideways as fast as they can. As you might imagine, the tarantulas aren't scared if you walk by or even drive by--they just hold their ground. Thank goodness some of these guys run from me because it wouldnt take much for me to turn right around and run from them! Trust me when I say I didn't get close to take these pictures...thank goodness for 10X zoom!!