Monday, January 26, 2009

Funny emails

hey jess,

so u liked the fat liatard dude?? make sure u dont just delete the other emails i forwarded you then. unless their annoying and you dont want them. people always send me funny stuff. who knows where they find it either....usually makes me laugh out loud too. i got my volume working so i listened to it again, i figured it was beyonce by his dance moves.

these 2 guys at work today decided to drink a bottle of "5 hour energy"- when they didn't even need it they just decided to drink it bc they were bored i think- anyway the one guy couldn't stop walking around and the other guy was dancing at his desk and when someone told him he was gay he didnt realize he was dancing. he said he wasnt even affected by it and didnt feel anything. im sure he did bc he was hyper. then the two of them disappeared together and we figured they were in the parking lot playing tag with each other bc they were so hyper.

marx is doing a little better. he is responding to the meds and functioning better than he was before. He is emaciated and weak, but today he was moving more and i found him ontop of an ottoman i put next to the window when i came home so that was very good. although, FeLv is very contagious among cats so I am concerned about puma. i need to get him tested next. im going to try to keep marx as healthy as i can in hopes of him recovering. pray for him! & puma! my poor kitties....=(

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The best running dog ever....

ooooooooooohhhhhh good! I'm so glad u like those comfy socks i got you! i actually bought 2 and kept 1! haha...i like em too. we miss you and we are counting down the days till u get home. less than a month away, i know you are excited to take a HOT shower in ur own place. how cold is it there? just wait till u get back here, u'll be in for it! it's supposed to get down to 11 tonight. ugh.

Yesterday, I was running thru the woods in leesylvania and a dog appeared on the trail without a soul around. it was following me all through the trails- it was sooooo cute! it was a border collie, all black. i was trying to keep it with me bc it kept chasing after squirrels and deer and at one point it just didnt come back. i was calling it and tryin to continue my run at the same time, but no dog. finally i stopped running and tried to listen to see if i could hear it anywhere and all a sudden he came flying out of no where and continued to trot right in front of me through the woods. u know i had to cuddle it and call it pet names....but anyway, it had a tag on it's collar and the owner's house was nearby. so i got the dog to follow me back to my car and i called the owner to come pick him up. i started to regret my call bc i felt like i wanted to keep the dog!! it wouldve made the best running dog, plus it was cute and smart! the owner got there and he was like," i should give her a spanking, she always runs away and we are trying to train her with an electric fence...". I was so upset, i immediatly tried to stick up for the dog and say she was very good and smart, and really i just didnt want him to abuse his dog. i was really regretting it at that point. i started to think i couldve given the dog to jessica when she got home with a big red bow around her neck!

i told the owner i would stop by and take it for runs for him (since the dog hates him) i laughed but i kinda meant it. i just hope he didnt mean he was really going to beat it, it was really really boney too. sniffle....
poor lassie.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Years Everyone!!

Hi all, hope everyone had fun on new years! I missed celebrating with
everyone for sure! For new years, I left work a little before midnight,
ran to the shower (at night you can get a really HOT shower) and I was
in bed by midnight! It was great, I was toasty warm after my shower,
and in some warm PJs and the warm socks Mom/Joey sent out!! Sounds a
tad bit lame, but it was great! I tried to give everyone calls, but I
can never seem to reach anyone! Glad the holidays are over though, I
hope the care packages slow down now! Ive been eating waaay too much
junk--there are piles and piles of junk food...cookies, chocolates and
snacks from all over the world that were sent out here to soldiers.
Darn, my time is out on the internet...i goofed off on my email too
long! Talk to you all soon :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I just wanted to wish you a happy new year over there. did you do anything special? party in al-faw palace?

i emailed you twice this week! i heard you want more mail. does that include email?
