Monday, February 2, 2009

Gross Emails...

EW, that guy was soooo nasty! Matthew came into the room while I was watching it and thought I was really weird. I told him you sent it to me, but he didn't believe me. Then he started watching over my shoulder and he was like, "that guy has some pretty good moves!" Ha.

Oh, Jessica, I made Matthew watch Sex in the City. He was like, "you like this?" And I told him I love it!! He would've never thought I'd get into a show like that. Then I made him pick a character for you, Joey, and me, and the only one he could pick was Charlotte being Joey because she pooped her pants!!! haha. Sorry Joey :(

We can't wait till you get home!! I won't see you, but I'll still be happy knowing you're back. We're going through a lot of retentions at Boeing, so looks like not only did I not get the direct Boeing job, but Matthew and I may both get laid off, as well. And if that's the case, I probably will see you when you get home!! : )

Haven't heard any updates from you in a while. Hope things are going well. Did you get to watch the superbowl? I wasn't that into this year so I only watched bits and pieces, but I know Steve is a happy brother-in-law.

It's almost 8:00 here and I'm already falling asleep. I think even though I'm living on Pacific time, I'm still running on Eastern time!!! We miss you lots, Kitten and Matthew say HI!!!