Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hi all, hope you are doing well and enjoying your summer! Matthew and I wanted to share our pictures with you and encourage you to send us any updated pictures you all have. We feel out of the loop over here so it's a good way to help us feel closer. We just returned from our honeymoon/ 1 year wedding anniversary in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico (thanks Dad/ Mom)!

Our travel down there lasted about 8 or 9 hours, including our layover, and it felt like half that time we were going through customs. But, when we finally arrived it was completely worth the wait. The weather was consistently mid-90's with fairly high winds (compliments of Andre) and very sunny : )

The biggest culture shock we experienced wasn't so much the language barrier or the currency conversions as much as it was the psychotic Mexican driving. Where the dotted lines on the road may represent a lane separation to the American eye, it seems to represent a third lane to the Mexican eye. We also discovered that the right of way is not given to the first car arriving at a 4 way "Alto" (stop), but it is given to the largest vehicle nearing the intersection at full speed. Due to the high dependency that we had on transportation (buses/taxis/golf carts) to get around our resort and town, we managed to get a lot of workouts in, including tensing the body's muscles for a period of 10-15 mins, death gripping the nearest object in reach, and extreme butt clenching. At least we didn't have to waste any time at the gym, right?!

The scenery was breathtaking though. We were upgraded to a beautiful suite with a private hot tub, balcony, 2 large bathrooms, a kitchen, and king size bed. We spent most of our time at the resort pools, walking downtown, and in our hot tub. But, we did also manage to go to a romantic sunset dinner with a view of the infamous mexican arch, attend happy hour, play volleyball, and go to the beach. I tried to convince Matthew into the doing the water aerobics with me, but, he declined each time I nagged him...

Please feel free to check out our slideshow of pics:

We love and miss you!