Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Where in the world is Jessica?

Jessy (I know how you love that nickname), are you coming to visit me or what? It's lonely out here. Mom is the only one who's ever put in the effort to come out and see me and I've been gone for 2 1/2 years. Come on Allens, really!?!? Guilt trip much?!?! ha. I'm just kidding. Don't worry about it. Dad said he IM'd you the other night (he had no idea how it happened and/or on what program) but you mentioned to him you might not make it. I don't want you to feel badly if you don't feel up to the extra travel or if you can't do it (despite my previous comments :)
The last thing you'll probably want to do is tack on more travel time and risk an even HIGHER chance your bags will get lost (we all know your history...)
On another note, if you do come, there's the potential chance that i won't be working, so we'll have OH so much time to lounge down at the pool and sip mimosas. I put in an FMLA claim at work and I'm eligible for disability leave, I just have to see the DR on Friday to stamp a big red "OK" on the paperwork and i'm home to speak.
Anywho, hope the lizards and iguanas are giving you some peace and letting you snack at your leisure. Now you know how i feel with Kitten around. ha.
How'd your 9/11 race go? Come on girl, give us some updates. Love you and miss you lots!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

where's the luv?

wow, no one has blogged on here in a minute! I wonder if I will be the last one before you get home??