Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Missed your call!!! =(

Ok, Jess, I just spent about 30 minutes trying to post a blog on here and the whole thing was deleted bc I pressed the back button to look at that pic of the palace! grrr...

Oh well, I'll paraphrase what I said before. First, so sorry and regretful my phone was off the one time you called. it was really dead. Second, I finally got a job and I don't mean subbing. I am a Athletic Assistant for Fairfax County Community and Rec Services. It's great, I like the people here and I have a cubicle of my own, which means, privacy (well, more private than before) and my own desk, computer, phone....everything. It's a commute and it pays about 10k less than teaching, but I am a much happier person. I am hoping I can get a raise or something else will come along that pays more eventually.

I have a zillion funny stories so far since I started. Today is my 4th day so I am still learning quite a bit...I'll just cut to the chase here. Yesterday this guy that sits across from me, Taylor, was on the phone, and you can hear everything that people say, so I guess I should say it isn't that private- but anyway, I hear him say, "...aight man, well I'm getting ready to get on the elevator here so I gotta go...." and really he's sitting at his desk. So I laughed and said out loud, "not that I was trying to easedrop on your conversation, but, that was messed up!" OMG Jessica, why did I have to comment! I just couldn't keep my mouth shut! He didn't care, he actually went on to explain to me how much he hates that guy.

So I told mom about it and she told me how much you hate when people do that to you. today, I promised to never do that again, EVER, and I almost caught myself commenting to Taylor again after he got off the phone about how his wife is a PE teacher! You have no idea how oblivious I am at this type of job. I have never worked in an office my entire life and keep forgetting this a different environment that has different etiquette. Way different. These people have no idea about my "other side"- my rough, loud, obnoxious, crazy, whistle blowing side that used to boss kids around and tell people what to do all the time. sigh....

Well, I can't wait for my xmas present from you...I wonder what it is? Is it perfume?? I like to try to guess it before I get it. I guessed what steve got me and was right, plus what mom and dad got me. I've always been good like that!

By the way, I just introduced some people in my office to sly dial and it's been like a revolutionary breakthrough to them! They are loving me! I just can't remember what the other one was. What was the one called where you can punch in someone else's phone number and call from it?

If you want to email me, my new email is
By the way, my married name is officially OFFICIAL! (I went to ss and dmv).
We miss ya, talk soon!


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