Saturday, July 31, 2010

dang yellow jackets!!!

why do I feel like I'm the only one on here? c'mon people- blog blog blog!! ANYWAYS, so jess, maybe mom told you, maybe not, but I had to call 911 wed morning bc steve was stung by a yellow jacket and had a severe allergic reaction.
he was running with the kids (xc practice) in the woods and was stung. I wasn't there, but the kids had to help him back to his car, where he collapsed and thought he was going to "die". they drove him home where he came crashing into the house and fell to the floor. then he started gagging and turning pale. long story short, i ended up calling 911 and the paramedics took his blood pressure, which was so low they took to the ER. he was feeling much better after a few hours, in which we came home and he's feeling back to normal now. picked up his prescriptions, prednisone and some other stuff. he now has an epipen incase it ever happens again.
at first he was refusing to go to the hospital. he didnt want to sit in triage for 5 hours. good thing i did bc his blood pressure was so low who knows what could have happened!
anyway, just thought I would update you on the latest.

now i need to update my nike plus. steve got one too, his username is...uhh i have to check i forgot.

miss ya, hope you are doing well!


CNO said...

Ahhh here's a blog comment for you: OMG!!!

I'm glad Steve is okay. That's crazy! I think he should wear the epipen around his neck -- a big giant one like the size of the clock FlavaFlav wears around his neck!!

Unknown said...

Hey Jess, now I know why you haven't replied to my work email. When did you go back down to vacation central? I hope this trip is better than the last one. Any news on the future? None from my end...not sure what to think about that, but to keep on trekking. So, I think I'm going to start meditating? Have you ever done that? You should read EAT, PRAY, LOVE and think about where you are in life. I know that is something I'm doing. I think I will be happier if I find my center and since we are soooo much alike, particularly at work, maybe you should go on this journey as well. I'll keep you posted on my effort, just beginning and trying to figure out what is best for me. I think I'll start with the strange Indian (dot not feather) community here and see if they have a local Guru. Sounds crazy I know...but read the book. Miss ya lots girl!

Joey said...

hmmm...that's an idea. Just like flava flav...I'll suggest that to Steve for you.

So what's going on? Have you been scuba diving yet? Is the rooster still waking you up, if there is a rooster? How's the "good for Jessica" tan coming along?? haha

Jon said...

It's time for me to break into the blogging now, no more slacking. Joey's going crazy on the blog... I think she's trying to politic for herself to become the favorite little sister. Man, I'm glad I'm always everyone's favorite and least favorite brother all the time... no sibling rivalry for me. I am also glad Steve's okay too. But I'd like to see him do a Flava Flav impression a lot.

Joey said...

Steve has no idea we are all blogging about him and the incident as well as the popular request to impersonate flava flav. I'm not sure he'll even get it if I tried to tell him...I might just have to put the epipen on a chain and tell him to say," YEA BOOOOOOY!". then everyone will be happy.

Jess, why haven't you answered any of my questions?! Do you remember we are nosey and we will start to spread rumors about you and tell each other not to tell anyone (until it gets back to you, of course) if I, I MEAN- if WE don't hear from you soon?

Jon, thank you for blogging. I was thinking about boycotting this thing for awhile if no one else responded. but since you said im going crazy on here, maybe i will anyway just to prove im not going crazy! ah, who am i bored and no one cares if i boycott.

have mom and dad forgotten about this thing??

Jon said...

I don't know if everyone else has forgotten about this thing or not. Maybe we're just the only ones with enough time on our hands to blog... lol! Sigh, oh well.

I think we should start the rumor that Jess joined the Scooby-Doo gang as the red-haired girl and is trying to be secretive about it. I think the mystery machine van is really hers.

So you're going to leave me on here all alone, Joey? Don't do it! Don't leave! hahahaha.