Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Top 10 List

First of all, Im not so sure I like the poll--I cant even stack the votes so it says that hes not in my room anymore! Why has no one voted for that cowardly lizard running off in fear?? You guys KNOW me and know that if you are ANYWHERE CLOSE to my stinko shoes, you probably arent going to want to stay there long!! Especially considering the fact that I have Moms genes as far as feet go AND how hot, sweaty and nasty my feets get here....gross. i (not on purpose) torture my poor roommate by putting them on a shelf where the air conditioner can circulate the smell from my size 8 stinkbombs!! ha ha!!!
The weather in general is starting to get cooler here so Im hoping the stupid lizard has gone to warmer places...just hope hes not in my undies drawer!

So, because Im in the mood to make a list, heres some of the little luxuries that I am REALLY beginning to miss (other than family and friends):
1-Not having to worry about lizards or other critters in my shoes (or, now in my undies...since I put it in my own head)
2-Not walking in the rain, through mud to go from the shower/bathroom to my bedroom
3-Same as #2 but if its not raining, walking from the shower/bathroom to my bedroom through the dusty air that collects on my wet skin.
4-Being able to flush toilet paper down the pot without a fear of clogging up the system and breaking the water pump for bathrooms on the whole compound--yipes.
5-My computer and everything about it. It logs on, stays on the webpage that I put it on until I tell it to leave that website....computers here dont always act the same way!
6-Radio. I try and listen to my Books on CD with my old school CD player with its little speakers in the car (just for something to do in the car with the broken radio) but the car is diesel and louder than the speakers!
7-Changing lanes when I am stuck behind a truck thats slow and smelly.
8-Selfishly using a 'good computer' for more than 30 min at a time.
9-Not feeling like I am going to lose my meal 10 min after I eat (theres only 2 directions that the food can quickly escape the body and neither are good choices)
10-Agh, this one should be the best....but i cant even think of a #10....I will just keep everyone in suspense! Im sure that I will find something else, I have never been one that cant find SOMETHING to complain about!

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