Friday, December 5, 2008

Hey All-December Update

December rolled around pretty quickly, it's hard to think that Jess has already been gone over a month and that Matthew and I've been in Washington for 6 months! Kitten seems lonely out here and I do the best I can to walk and play with him, but he lacks all the family visits and his play buddy, Buttons. Matthew and I have been seriously considering getting another pug to keep him company after Christmas, and if you take a look at this week's poll then you'll see why! They're charming and hilarious little creatures!!

Matthew's still enjoying his work and he's become quite the important man on duty. He was on call over the holidays to oversee the painters in the hangar to ensure his planes were painted exactly as his drafting plans specified. He just started his second quarter at school, ending his first quarter with a 3.8 GPA. He's pretty tired most of the time, as he has school till about 10:30 PM on MWF. But, he's really turning some heads in management and he ended this year with a flawless performance evaluation...which should reflect in his paycheck.

Apparently I've also impressed all the right people because on Monday night Matthew and I were invited and treated to The Boeing Suite at the Metallica concert, where we were provided with a plethora of free food and drinks and the best seats in the house! Turns out (I do my boss's expense reports), each ticket was about $400 and we got them for free! I was also just rewarded with a $100 Boeing Pride Award, and I've been recommended to apply for a full time position with Boeing as a Staff Analyst Level 2. Normally, each level takes a year to surpass, so that'd be great news if I could make a level 2 within a few months.

As for non work related issues, we're missing the family/home like crazy! We'll be seeing you all in 2 weeks, and the time couldn't come fast enough.

Make sure to post your updates so we can keep up with everyone...ESPECIALLY YOU, JESS. Love you.

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