Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Years Everyone!!

Hi all, hope everyone had fun on new years! I missed celebrating with
everyone for sure! For new years, I left work a little before midnight,
ran to the shower (at night you can get a really HOT shower) and I was
in bed by midnight! It was great, I was toasty warm after my shower,
and in some warm PJs and the warm socks Mom/Joey sent out!! Sounds a
tad bit lame, but it was great! I tried to give everyone calls, but I
can never seem to reach anyone! Glad the holidays are over though, I
hope the care packages slow down now! Ive been eating waaay too much
junk--there are piles and piles of junk food...cookies, chocolates and
snacks from all over the world that were sent out here to soldiers.
Darn, my time is out on the internet...i goofed off on my email too
long! Talk to you all soon :)

1 comment:

Andy and Nancy said...

Hey Jessica! Adam leaves to head to Iraq Saturday morning.He's with 2nd mlg and will be working anti-terrorist protection driving a fork lift building barriers etc. Sometimes he may be writing speeding tickets since he's an MP so be careful if you go to Al Taqaddum! :-)