Sunday, November 23, 2008

Almost Thanksgiving!

Hey, whats everyone doing for Thanksgiving...send me whats going on! I miss everyone and its going to be weird eating Thanksgiving dinner with my coworkers at a chow hall. Theres one chow hall thats open all day, so we might go in and eat more than once...only bad thing is, the leftovers are still hot! Thanksgiving isnt the same if you cant have cold turkey later in the day!
Thanks for everyones emails! keep em coming! Also, if you are looking to send anything, theres nothing I really anything that can be shared with the office is good. Food, candy, Holiday decorations, etc. Also, theres a program here called hearts and minds, so if you send me toys or clothes, i can have it given away to the locals that are in need. I will type fast....aggghhh, they are kicking us all out...gotta go


Mom said...

Well, we won't have cold turkey sandwiches either. We are going to the Globe & Laurel for their buffet. I will probably make some pumpkin pies, but we won't have any leftovers either - good! We'll miss both you and Jill & Matthew & Kit. Johanna and I are working on a box to send to you.
Love, Mom

outerbcn said...

Hey Jess, thanks for the good tips. My sister is hosting at her house this year. We're contributing desserts since Mom thinks she has to do everything (as usual) and of course we're thankful! I don't know about anyone else, but my least favorite thing to do with food is clean the turkey. I'm not sure I would have made it back in the day when you had to pluck your own too! =) I'm going to make Mom's receipe pound cake. Don't worry, if it turns out right, I'll be making it again and will be sure to add strawberries for your belated birthday cake!!! Have a great week, we'll miss you!