Sunday, November 16, 2008


Not that anybody cares, I just thought I'd gloat about the victorious Cowboys...hehehe. Matthew's frowning next to me because we made a bet on the game so now I have a slave for next weekend. So, if you're trying to call him to wish him a happy birthday he'll probably be too busy scrubbing the toilets. But, he thanks you in advance for the thoughtfulness.


d said...

I CARE!!! The Cowboys, with the help of the referees, got more points but remain the biggest bunch of LOSERS in the game! The biggest head case and #1 loser is owner Jerry "Win-At-All-Costs" Jones. The team draws more ink for its non-gridiron activities (many of which are illegal) on the non-sports pages than it does on the actual sports page. And then there is the mental giant, T.O., who has permanently put his brain on a diet--nothing in, garbage out! They have one of the highest penalty rates per game in the NFL because they don't know how--nor do they have the talent--to play the game fairly, so they do what comes naturally for them, play dirty. Romo--as his name suggests--should stick to tossing pizzas for Hollywood Simple, and leave the game of football to real men. Please be aware, that "enslavement" is a typical Cowboy response which ranges back to their treatment of the American Indian, i.e., "America's Embarrassment," certainly not "America's Team!" Therefore, I am adding my voice to the outcry of millions as they take to the streets across America (and probably China too), chanting, "FREE MATTHEW, FREE MATTHEW, FREE MATTHEW!" Happy Birthday, Matthew, this one is for you, the Gipper, and Geronimo!

Jillian said...

You are eliciting a one-sided (and uber biased) story. Cowboys may have been bad guys in a previous life, but Washington fans are currently the bad guys. The "Redskins" are promoting a racial slur, an offensive slang term to all Native Americans. Historically, Cowboys may have been guilty of "enslaving" people, but the only thing they're enslaving now is talent. I would like to point out that you are not only cheering for a team with a racially slang name, but you are also cheering for bad sportsmanship. You have faulted the Cowboys for "playing dirty", but you fail to acknowledge that all teams exude a little attitude now and then. You certainly haven't seen the Cowboys losing their composure and getting pugnacious over a fumble of their own fault like racially slang team member, Santana Moss, demonstrated by punching a Seahawk in his face mask and continuing to push and shove him until restrained. Perhaps Santana should throw out an apology instead of fists and attitude...but wait...that would be accounting for one's feelings, and we know the Redskins wouldn't do that, seen that they wouldn't even consider altering their team name for Native American protestors.

outerbcn said...

Whooooooo-weeee!!! It's getting hot in here but it's only 40-some degrees outside. =)

Matthew said...

The Redskins loss is not that big of a deal. Cowboys fans are eager to forget that the first matchup this season went the other way. The two teams are still tied record wise, however, the Redskins have a 6-3 conference record to the Cowboys 5-4. Which in the long run, puts the Redskins ahead in the standings.

As far as the cheap shot by Santana Moss, it was definitely a stupid move, and I would never condone such horrible behavior like that. If I had to choose between someone that hit another player’s facemask, and someone that shot up a strip club, and continues to get thrown out of strip clubs for stupid behavior, I think I know who I would pick… But my name isn’t, as put so correctly before, Jerry “Win-at-all-costs” Jones.

Also, though being a slave for the weekend was not so bad, I must thank everyone for their support. The chants all across America and China did not go unheard!! I even received a picket sign that said, “Let Matthew Go!!” from Australia. Nice bunch of chaps out there.