Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone!!

I'm going to call after I get done typing here, but i just wanted to update the site since I haven't written since Thanksgiving. Time seems to be flying by now, everyone is in the holiday spirit. You wouldn't believe the amount of gifts and food and care packages sent out by people to the troops...we got stockings full of toiletries and food from the American Legion and and letters from students of all ages all over the country. The support we get from home is absolutely overwhelming sometimes. Quite a bit of money has to go in to putting these packages together and mailing them out. It is appreciated though! We had to do a secret Santa gift exchange here and of course I waited till Christmas eve to buy something for my person. I ended up getting her a necklace charm. From my Santa I got some bath and body works candles (mom, for you thats bed, bath and body works candles, Hee hee) and then we went to a Candlelight Christmas ceremony where a chaplain spoke and we sung hymns in the al-Faw Palace--thats what the picture is of. If Saddam could see his palace now--he was probably doing flips in his grave as we sang Silent Night! Dinner was not much, I had pizza and a salad but it will likely be pretty good tomorrow. We will stick to the Air Force chow halls, which seem to have better food.

Im re-reading what I wrote above and I must be tired because Im giving a play-by-play of the whole day! ha ha...sorry! Im definitely ready to come home, its getting cold here and the whole bathroom situation is beginning to drive me nuts! There's nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night, finding my weapon and the magazine and putting them on, finding shoes and a jacket and putting them on too...just because I cant hold it till the morning! Argh!

Well, I will call today, because its Christmas for me right now, but hopefully I can tomorrow also, so I can talk to everyone again!

Love you all lots, miss you and talk to you soon!


outerbcn said...

Merry Christmas Jessica!! Thanks for the update...we like the play by plays. I think it's amazing and I'm glad everyone is able to feel the spirit of the holiday when so far away from home. Hope to hear from you soon.

I'm off tomorrow but I'm working at the winery in the afternoon until close. Don't even say it...I already know! I'm not complaining, it's money in my pocket for the holidays. And the thing about the winery is most people that come there are in a good mood...and if not...they are by the time the leave! =)

Asaad and I are supposed to get pictures taken tomorrow...if the stores aren't too crowded, we'll see how that works out.

We'll I'm starting to get those Christmas phone calls. Just talked to my sis and family and they're excited today. Brandon couldn't wait to get on Xbox and Ashley is excited about all her new clothes and what not. I feel "so old" now...that used to be me with the same excitement. Now I'm the Aunt just happy that their happy! =)

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Jillian said...

I know how you feel! Christmas never feels like Christmas anymore. I used to have a countdown till the big day and now I just have a list of things to do!

Jess, the palace looks amazing. I can't wait till you get home though! Even though I won't see you...
It was weird being home and not hanging out with you. Joey was rarely there either, so it was pretty weird altogether.
Anyway, love and miss you!