Saturday, July 31, 2010

dang yellow jackets!!!

why do I feel like I'm the only one on here? c'mon people- blog blog blog!! ANYWAYS, so jess, maybe mom told you, maybe not, but I had to call 911 wed morning bc steve was stung by a yellow jacket and had a severe allergic reaction.
he was running with the kids (xc practice) in the woods and was stung. I wasn't there, but the kids had to help him back to his car, where he collapsed and thought he was going to "die". they drove him home where he came crashing into the house and fell to the floor. then he started gagging and turning pale. long story short, i ended up calling 911 and the paramedics took his blood pressure, which was so low they took to the ER. he was feeling much better after a few hours, in which we came home and he's feeling back to normal now. picked up his prescriptions, prednisone and some other stuff. he now has an epipen incase it ever happens again.
at first he was refusing to go to the hospital. he didnt want to sit in triage for 5 hours. good thing i did bc his blood pressure was so low who knows what could have happened!
anyway, just thought I would update you on the latest.

now i need to update my nike plus. steve got one too, his username is...uhh i have to check i forgot.

miss ya, hope you are doing well!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The 1 and only 1st Little Sister

Why is it that I cannot see anyone else's posts on the website? I only get emails with messages of what was said. This is making me feel very technologically challenged. I know I should be able to see whatever anyone posts! sigh....

...oh yes, and speaking of, Jessica, my breath and hot trash have nothing in common. As for "poor Steve", he was already up and gone. For some reason he gets up and does stuff during the day instead of sleeping till noon. He's so productive.

Oh yes, I wanted to add that you BETTER help the homeless kitty! that poor little thing will starve or get eaten or wounded by another animal! Don't make me come down there!!!!!...breaks my heart into a million pieces.

Last thing, Jill, I get calls from Jessica only if mom can call me from the house phone while Jess is on her cell phone. If I don't answer, I get no Jessica. I hate to say it, but it's one of the perks to living here. Or maybe she just can't get enough of her 1st little sister.....=)

Monday, July 26, 2010

the quiz

ps: i think only jill can change the quiz. i tried but there is no option! Jill, change the quiz, something- anything else!

lazy bones

omg! thats awesome. when and if you catch the person that drives that van, i dare you to shout- scooby dooby doo, where r u?!!! sure it will go over well.

since i just talked to you last night, i dont have much to say that's new since, EXCEPT that i received a call this am from the boss at leesylvania telling me that i am 1 of 3 candidates they have narrowed it down to and they will be calling references and checking backgrounds. so, here's hoping i am THE one. it's funny though, bc i accidently answered my phone this morning when i was still sleeping and realized it right away. but i had the ugliest morning voice and was soooo trying to play it off when he told me who he was. it was most embarrassing. you really arent foolin anyone when you have morning voice. i called mom immediately after and asked her if she could tell i just woke up, she said yes. LOL. hope the guy didnt think i was too lazy since it was 11 and was the second time he called that morning! haha....

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thought Id update the page...

Im tired of looking at the rat picture, so heres a new one of my favorite car here...I dont know who drives it, but Id luv to meet them!  Anyways, all is good here and I hope everyone @ home is doing well also.  Its sweltering hot...but I guess thats no different than home!  Yesterday, it was so hot, I thought I would cool off in the pool but since the pools are outdoors and are in the open sun all day, it felt like i was taking a warm bath instead of cooling off!  Oh well, it could be worse!  Havent gone diving yet, Im going to take a quick refresher class then start the advanced stuff.  Well, Im sitting outside on the comp and getting eaten up by the bugs, so Id better go...Also, i just petted a stray kitty and probably need to wash my hands quickly before I turn in to a sneezing mess!  Luv u guys!