Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The 1 and only 1st Little Sister

Why is it that I cannot see anyone else's posts on the website? I only get emails with messages of what was said. This is making me feel very technologically challenged. I know I should be able to see whatever anyone posts! sigh....

...oh yes, and speaking of, Jessica, my breath and hot trash have nothing in common. As for "poor Steve", he was already up and gone. For some reason he gets up and does stuff during the day instead of sleeping till noon. He's so productive.

Oh yes, I wanted to add that you BETTER help the homeless kitty! that poor little thing will starve or get eaten or wounded by another animal! Don't make me come down there!!!!!...breaks my heart into a million pieces.

Last thing, Jill, I get calls from Jessica only if mom can call me from the house phone while Jess is on her cell phone. If I don't answer, I get no Jessica. I hate to say it, but it's one of the perks to living here. Or maybe she just can't get enough of her 1st little sister.....=)

1 comment:

Jillian said...

Joey, the main page only displays the "posts". In order to see the other dialogue, you need to click on the "comments" link under the post. Make sense?
BTW, I had to call in this morning and thought about your ugly morning voice. I had it too when I left my boss the message that I was coming in late. I wanted to play it off like it wasn't because i wanted to sleep for 3 more hours, but my Mr. T voice said it all. It was soooo ugly and deep! He probably didn't even believe it was really me. We're sisters!!