Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving here was a nice warm day and the chow hall food served
pretty good food--turkey, stuffing and all the typical foods. Believe
it or not, I even ate some green bean casserole--just checked to see if
I still hate green beans, and I do. Only thing that was throwing me off
was the lack of deviled eggs!! Cant believe they didn't make them! No
cranberry sauces either! Other than that, I had dinner with a few
co-workers, who I had go around the table and tell what they were
thankful for--an Allen family tradition that I cant believe I did, when
I didn't have to! My parents have brainwashed me!! AHHH!! Thanks for
sending the pic of your thanksgiving meal, I miss you guys and its good
to see everyone! That said--Jill, Matthew and Chavonne--where are your
pics??? Im putting you guys on the SPOT!! Ha ha. Sounds like everyone
had a good time though, wish I was there!

Its starting to get cooler here during the daytime even, which will ruin
my Sunday morning breakfast club with some coworkers (over coffee, local
bread and cheese). It's the small things that make a difference! The
coffee joint here, The Green Bean (think Starbucks, but not quite as
nice), is making a fortune off of me! Despite its name (extreme dislike
of that particular vegetable) its the only thing I have spent money on
since I arrived.

As it gets cooler the rain has increased, which stinks because Im still
gun-shy about driving in the mud. Ive learned some tricks though, so
there should be no repeat incidents of that day I got stuck--or I hope
there wont be any repeat incidents!

Whats the deal with all the football talk here? This is crazy. Who
knew my family was so passionate about this?
My time is up now, gotta run. Talk to everyone later, thanks for all of
the emails!!

1 comment:

Jillian said...

Hi Jessy!!! Ha. Sorry, but we don't have any pics from Thanksgiving. It wasn't worth taking pictures of anyway...
Don't you have any pics to show? Are you allowed to take pics?
I was thinking about your terrible stories so far, and you really should ask Jon about his bad day (locking himself out). Mom told me all about it and it somewhat competes with yours!
I also have a bad day experience, but I don't know that I even want to share it. It's pretty embarrassing!!
Anyway, we missed you at Thanksgiving, but Christmas is gonna be tough. Hope you guys think of some fun way to celebrate over there. Will you get snow?