Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feb 1-2

I forgot to post pictures again!! sorry, I keep forgetting to upload
them to my computer! I will do it least you can see the
beach here and how pretty and clear the water is! Im still holding
out for a good pic of the iguanas for everyone!
Well, I have a roommate now, but I havent met her yet...we come and go
at different times and havent crossed paths yet. However, I think she
ate one of my Kashi bars...
I sort of feel like im on vacation here, the weather is so nice and Im
staying in a townhouse with a TV, phones and my own room. Its
definitely not like the other deployments I have done!! I dont think
it will ever feel like home though, because it doesnt have internet
and everything is so quiet during the sirens out my window
makes it hard to sleep!! ha ha Speaking of sleeping, I thought the
chickens in my backyard were cute until the next morning. The stupid
chickens are actually ROOSTERs and every morning from about 0522-0527
those guys wont shut up!! When I come back home I might actually be
an early riser (for a while), because I can sleep through 2 alarm
clocks, but I havent been able to sleep through the stupid roosters
yet...I wish they would take breaks on the weekends!
The speed limit here on base is no more than 25mph...I have a bad
feeling about this, I almost want to stop an MP and make him give me
the ticket I will inevitably get.
I havent had my camera with me to take pics of the iguanas yet, but I
will send one as soon as I take one. I keep a close eye out for them
because if you make road kill of one of those guys its a $10,000 fine.
Im not sure why, if they are endangered or ears stopped
listening to the people telling me afer they said $10,000!! With my
luck, Im going to get caught speeding at the same time I kill an
iguana! Mom/Dad...I think thats the only ticket that would be more
expensive than my parking tickets at Campbell!! LOL!

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