Monday, July 26, 2010

lazy bones

omg! thats awesome. when and if you catch the person that drives that van, i dare you to shout- scooby dooby doo, where r u?!!! sure it will go over well.

since i just talked to you last night, i dont have much to say that's new since, EXCEPT that i received a call this am from the boss at leesylvania telling me that i am 1 of 3 candidates they have narrowed it down to and they will be calling references and checking backgrounds. so, here's hoping i am THE one. it's funny though, bc i accidently answered my phone this morning when i was still sleeping and realized it right away. but i had the ugliest morning voice and was soooo trying to play it off when he told me who he was. it was most embarrassing. you really arent foolin anyone when you have morning voice. i called mom immediately after and asked her if she could tell i just woke up, she said yes. LOL. hope the guy didnt think i was too lazy since it was 11 and was the second time he called that morning! haha....


Jillian said...

Jessica, why is it that you called Joey last night and not me?? I feel so left out of the sisterly love here. I promise to answer strange numbers!!! You butt head...

Jess said...

JILL, I ran out of minutes talking about joeys skylight heat!! I blame her :)

Jess said...

JOEY, your post is kinda gross...i just walked by a trash can with hot rotting food in it and got a whif of what your breath probably smelled like that morning. Poor Steve. :)

Jillian said...

OMG, Joey is spending your mins on skylight talk?!?! JOEY- I'm sorry, but no one cares about your skylights anymore. Let Jessica call me so I can tell her about my gargantuous roaches!!! ha.
Jessica, do you like the coworkers out there with you? Are you staying in the same place with the time-retarded rooster??