Saturday, August 7, 2010

Accident Prone??

First off, Jess, sorry I missed your call. I can't help it, I don't take my phone with me when I work out and that seems to be the time you call. We're going to have to set up a date/time so I can be prepared to answer. Joey and I decided Mom is the only one that can randomly answer her phone.
Second off, Jon, sorry I missed your call. I haven't been feeling well this week and I took yesterday off work to get sleep and run, while I was out running an errand I walked out of the store and collapsed on the sidewalk. I haven't fainted in several years, so that was a blast from the past! My point being, once I got home I turned my phone on silent so I could rest. I had a killer headache and neck ache since the fall. I ended the night with an intense fever that tricked me into turning the thermostat down to 65 degrees (i'll pay for that next month!) and then woke up shivering this morning.
Two saturdays ago I ran a 7-point-something mi race up in the mountains and was told there were two cattle guards on the course. They continued to warn the runners to "tip toe" over the guards. Well, me being delirious from the 4 miles I had under my belt, I decided to "tip toe" over the cattle guard by taking a ballerina leap into the air while running at full speed (perhaps my endorphins tricked me in to thinking I was superman), and I made it an impressive 3/4 over the guard and my foot went right into the trap. I was lucky I didn't break my ankle, but i did have a Fred Flintstone fat foot for the next week.
Other than that I've been having another lovely summer in NM. I get to watch the sunset from my balcony, which turns the sky purple and the mountains pink. There's nothing like it. I hope you all can visit soon. And I hope this post deters Joey from spreading more Jess rumors :)
Love you all xoxo

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