Monday, August 9, 2010

cattle guard who???

ok, im gonna google a cattle guard to see what the heck this thing looks like. i feel like i should know, but i guess i dont. that's crazy what happened to you, jill!!!! i cant believe no good samaritan even tried to do first aid or check to see if you were breathing! do u know what happened when you fell?? you could have a concussion.

i remember one time when i was little i went to kings dominion and this lady started grabbing me and pulling on my arm and shoulder. turned out she hit me on the way down as she fainted, she smacked her head on the pavement hard and was bleeding. i felt so bad i didnt try to catch her but i didnt know i was too young. we're glad ur ok for the most part. btw, prenatal vitamins might be something to consider for more iron. i know u love salad, but that's not enough...a good hunk of red meat once a week and supplements will triple what you get from leafy greens alone. take it from me, i always struggled with anemia. it'll take you about 2-3 months to get it back up if it's very low and at least a month if it's low at all.

jess, how is the nike plus??

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