Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cant even eat lunch in peace!!

Check out these videos--an iguana came up to me to see if Id feed him some of my lunch!  Of course I didnt because once he was within about 20 ft of me, I was outta there!!!


Joey said...

All I have to say is...O-M-G!!!!! By the way, Jess, your little "ahhh" sounded a lot less alarmed than my AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Jess said...

Trust me, inside it wasnt a little Ahhh!! However thats all my wimpy butt could say!

Jillian said...

Ha! That's so nasty! Did you feed it?? Are you going to come home with a pet?

Last week one of the old farts at work put a cicada shell on my chair. He thought it'd scare the crap out of me (he was right) and everyone really gets a kick out of my jumpiness, so they're all in on this. I sat down in my chair and heard a crunch, so i started looking around to see what it was, and it was right over my shoulder!! I FLEW out of my chair screaming and ran down the trailer doing a-dirty-bug-touched-me-dance! YUCK! And that's NOTHING compared to an iguana! GROSSSSS!

outerbcn said...

That is CRAZY! It's looks like the size of a dog and it seems so creepy just wandering around like that. I wonder how fast those things can go? I read somewhere the small ones can go about 20 miles and hour. Good thing the speed limit is 25, huh?! LOL

Linda said...

If your having a hard time moving fast on your walks, maybe you should carry some food with you--if they follow you - you may go faster!!
Love, Mom

Joey said...
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Joey said...

20 MPH??!!! wowee! now that's gross. Jill, that reminds me of the "dog sized" spider I found waiting for me at my desk yesterday. Except I tried to ignore the thing, then finally lashed out and decided to kill it, but it was already dead. It was like I pranked myself-every time I sat down I got scared. LOL. The girl that I share and office with thought I was so dumb.
Oh, and a cicada hit me in the cheek when I was riding shot gun with my boss. I did a Jessica, Ahhhh!! (soft voice). He was like, guess you don't like bugs. I was thinking, no one likes to get B* smacked by a cicada!!!! a little embarrassing too.